The US HUPO ECR invites you to join us for a series of interactive panel discussions with proteomics scientists from unconventional careers. Panelists representing the lesser known science professions will share their personal stories and advice about ‘making it’ in their chosen career paths. Each session will have a mix of early career and established scientists from one ‘type’ of career. Diverse career paths highlighted by this series include government, publishing/editing, consulting, business development, science policy, and more.
These sessions are intended to be informative and interactive for early career scientists and students! Questions from participants are welcomed and encouraged!
In 2023, the US HUPO Early Career Researchers (ECR) initiative collaborated with the Canadian National Proteomics Network (CNPN) to host a joint webinar series. This initiative aimed to foster knowledge exchange and collaboration among emerging proteomics researchers from both countries. The series, comprised of two episodes, featured discussions, presentations, and insights into cutting-edge proteomics research, serving as a platform for networking and learning within the proteomics community.