Supporter News04/14/2023 Thank You to all the thought leaders, poster presenters, and attendees who made USHUPO 2023 a success! We were thrilled to share our latest proteomics products and technologies, including timsTOF, PaSER, PepSep Columns and Emitters, Biognosys Spectronaut® 17 software, and PreOmics Beatbox. We hope you enjoyed the informative talks and workshops as much as we did and learned about the cutting-edge innovations shaking up the world of Mass Spec!
04/13/2023 Shimadzu Scientific Instruments introduces the CLAM™-2040 fully automated online sample preparation module for LCMS analysis. This system is designed to improve overall efficiency of biological sample preparation and analysis by reducing manual operations, saving time and expense. Process automation enables users to conduct LCMS analyses around the clock, even on weekends. Operating the system requires no technical know-how, and analysis start-up is straightforward and fast due to ease of use. In addition, the fully automated sample preparation prevents operator errors and ensures reproducible sample results. Read more here. |